17 Essentials You Need For Your New Puppy

Lady shopping for her Poodle puppy

Before you bring home your new puppy, there are a few essential items you will need.

If you are already a pet parent, you may have some of these items.   It's always a good idea to check your inventory before heading to the store.  Look over the items you have, and examine their condition.  If they are worn or broken, you may want to toss them out, and shop for replacements.

Once you have gone through your current inventory, make a list of what you need.  It's always best to have a list; with all your excitement of the new arrival, you may get sidetracked, forgetting the essential items your puppy needs!  Don't skip this step, make a list!

To help you out, here is a shopping list of the essentials you need, plus a few extra items to spoil your new puppy with.

White Maltese puppy sitting for his portrait

Shopping List for Puppy

  • Collar
  • Leash
  • Puppy Food
  • Measuring Scoop for Food
  • Food Bowl
  • Water Bowl
  • Crate
  • Crate Pad
  • Puppy Pads (optional)
  • Chew Toy
  • Puppy Shampoo
  • Towel
  • Nail Trimmers
  • Brush
  • Comb
  • Toothbrush
  • Blanket
  • Soft Cuddle Toy

Non-essential items

  • Dog Bed
  • Dog Shirt
  • Dog Bandana
  • Puppy Treats
  • Placemat for Bowls
If your puppy is a hairless or tiny breed, you may need to add a Dog Coat to your essential list.  Some breeds get chilled easily and need the clothing for protection from the elements.  

If you are unsure of what variety to purchase, whether it be the type of brush, bowl or food; consult with your veterinarian, the breeder (shelter/rescue) for advice.

Can you think of anything else you would add to the list?  Essential or non-essential.

Have fun shopping for your new puppy! 

 Remember to set up an appointment with a veterinarian, so your new family member can have a happy, healthy life with you ❤


  1. Such a good list for new puppy parents! Having just brought home our first little one in a few years, I found I had to replenish pretty much my entire inventory of puppy items! Have you noticed that usually the non-essential items are a lot more fun to buy than the must-have stuff? :)

    1. Oh yes, definitely agree the non~essentials is the best part of the shopping experience!

      How exciting to have a new puppy, they bring so much joy into the home❤

  2. Great list! Don't forget the poop bags!

    We would also recommend a treat pouch for a puppy as there are no doubt plenty of training sessions to come!

    1. Thank you, we musn't forget those bags, they are definitely essential; and come in so many fun colors these days! Treat bags are a great suggestion too, I really like the ones that clip on your side.

  3. Great list - the only thing we'd add: patience!!

    1. Thank you Mattie Dog! Oh yes, patience is very important❤

  4. I love shopping for new puppies!
    There are so many items to choose from at the pet store but his looks like a pretty complete list. I'm glad you added a crate to the list because I personally feel its important for puppy to become accustomed to it early on so they understand its not a punishment to be in it but a place they can have a break and some quiet time.

    1. Absolutely agree a crate should be a puppies safe place and have a positive connotation.

      Puppy shopping is tons of fun for sure❤

  5. Those non-essentials look essential to me. Don't forget your new puppy will need a new kitten for a friend to grow up with.

    1. Stewy agrees with you 110%, his motto is spoil me 24/7! Teeheehee, can't have enough fur friends❤

  6. Great list! I'd definitely add an x-pen or some other type of containment (a baby's playpen works surprisingly well for small breeds), ID tag, harness, food puzzles, tug toys, flirt pole....I have active breeds, haha.

    1. Thank you Nola, you have some great items to add to the list! I'm not familiar with a flirt pole. What is that exactly? (Stewy is dying to know!)

  7. Great list! I think chew toys should be at the top of the list, 'cause puppies need to CHEW and they often chew on inappropriate things. I'd add a bottle of Bitter Spray to the list to prevent puppies chewing on couch & table legs and other inappropriate things.
    Love & Biscuits,
    Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them

    1. Thank you Cathy! Such a great tip for the bitter spray. Definitely agree puppies favorite pastime is chewing! ❤
