Random Thoughts

Sometimes what you make plans for in life, doesn't come to fruition .  Events, circumstances and other factors happen that completely change your course of action. 

I suppose that's where the quote, "Life happens when you are making plans" comes from.

While life was happening,  at times faster than I could keep up, I let my blog go by the wayside. 

As a result,  I allowed my domain to expire and it has since been sold.  That being said, if I can offer one takeaway from this post is this:

"If you have any thoughts of taking a break from blogging or your blog, at least keep your domain renewal! The chances you'll be able to get your domain name back is usually slim to none."

At this point, I'm just going to use the blogspot url, because I'm not quite sure what I would even rename my blog.

I realized, while being away from the blogosphere, how much I truly missed writing and being part of an awesome community. 

If you are still reading, thank you for being here.

I will update you on what's been going on and where I'm heading in my next post.

Hope you are having an awesome day and remember to hug your furbabies ♥️

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