An Unexpected Path

Wow! So it's been forever since I've written a blog post!  I have so much to catch you up on, I'm really not even sure where to begin!

Let's just say, I feel the same way I felt when writing my first blog post. Not quite sure what direction I'm headed, but I'm headed somewhere!  Crazy, right?!

Winter road with text overlay,  Dog Mom Life An Unexpected Path

It's crazy how life can take you down a path that you weren't expecting.

  As you may or may not know, I've been having some health issues over the past few months, my main reason for not being around much on social media and here at the blog.  Additionally,  I've been in the process of looking for a new place, for the dogs and me to live. 

As far as my health, I'm hanging in there and I will rise above it!  At this point, I do not know my diagnosis, I have had an initial visit and blood work has been done.  There are a few more doctor appointments lined up in the near future, as well as one with a specialist.   I'll be sure to update you once I know more.

All I can say is thank goodness for dogs!
Chocolate Chihuahua dog sitting on a blanket

 My two have been my saving grace, so blessed to have them in my life.
Close up of a chocolate labrador dog

In the meantime, how have you and your furbabies been?  Missing all of you bunches!  Would love to hear all about your holidays and winter fun. Honestly, with all the craziness going on in my life,  I could use a little positive news from you. Leave me a comment below or reach out to me on social media 💖


  1. oNot dogs, but gorgeous rock stars who love and support their mum! I hope you get better, and sorted out soon. Being ill is a drain and you still have a lot to say so keep blogging!

    1. Aww... thank you, you are so kind. I have to agree I do have rockstars, best thing that ever happened to me!

  2. I'm glad you are back! Medical issues are always a source of concern and can make life so difficult. I hope you're feeling better and find a great place to live. I've missed seeing Tootsie and Brystol!

    1. Thank you Beth! Starting to get straightened out and will have a post up soon. I've missed seeing all your beautiful photography and the gorgeous fur babies 💜

  3. So sorry you've been having troubles. Sucks not knowing what's going on too. I hope you can get that resolved and fixed. Good hearing from you.

    1. Thank you Jada for visiting, it's great to get back in touch. Starting to do better, one day at a time and I'll have a post up soon all about it!

  4. It's so nice to see you back. We've definitely missed you guys. I hope your health improves and you're feeling well soon.

    1. Thank you! Miss you and your Momma too. Enjoyed seeing all your photos from the conference and your Monday Facebook posts always bring a smile to my day💜

  5. Great news that you are back sending good vibes for best health so that you can continue here with us sharing in social media. I will be praying for you.

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words and prayers 💜

  6. Sending positive thoughts your way and am sorry that you have not been well also good luck with the house hunting. Take care

    1. Thank you Ruth, I appreciate your kindness. So happy you stopped by, say hello to Layla for me 💜

  7. I hope you are feeling better soon and overcome whatever is ailing you. Having your fur babies next to you definitely has to give you encouragement, strength and positive energy. Wish you well.

  8. Thank you for your kind words. Yes, my two furbabies give me the courage to face anything life hands me 💜
