My dog has allergies? Part One

Meet Tootsie the Chi, my precious, adorable Chihuahua.  Six pounds of cuteness, my pride and joy.  The last thing I ever expected to hear was that my dog has allergies.  What? My dog has allergies?!

Tootsie The Chi, my dog has allergies

To give you a little background, I adopted Tootsie in May of 2016.  Tootsie was a breeder dog who could not conceive and was passed from one breeder to another.  At 2 1/2 years of age, she was passed on to yet another breeder, who took her in to find her a forever home.

The minute I saw Tootsie's photo, I fell in love with her.  I set up a day to meet Tootsie and counted the days, hours and minutes until our first meet.

Tootsie The Chi, our first meet

When I first met Tootsie, she was a little shy and nervous.  I sat there on the couch, talking to the breeder and slowly Tootsie made her way into my lap.  Tootsie curled up in a ball and fell asleep in my lap, as I petted her.  At this point, I knew it was meant to be.  Tootsie had melted my heart and after hearing her story, I wanted to give her the life she deserved.

It would be a few weeks before I could pick her up, as I was in the process of moving. A story for another time.  I counted the days, hours, minutes and seconds until our big gotcha day!

Tootsie the Chihuahua, Gotcha Day

Fast forward two months, Tootsie is settling in wonderfully and loving every minute of her new leash on life.

Then the unexpected happened.  Tootsie began licking at her paws, digging at her left ear, sneezing constantly and shaking her head so as to flop her ears back and forth.  I knew something wasn't right.

Chihuahua with allergies

I immediately contacted her veterinarian to schedule an appointment.  Fortunately, they were able to see her the very next day.

My initial thoughts were that Tootsie had an ear infection, the veterinarian would give her some antibiotics and we'd be on our way.

At Tootsie's visit, the veterinarian looked at Tootsie's ears and stated there were no signs of an infection.  Which was wonderful news!

 They took some samples from her ears with a swab and checked them under the microscope.  Luckily, she did not have any ear mites, just waxy build up.  The veterinarian cleaned Tootsie's ears to remove the debris.  Tootsie was a great patient!

Tootsie's doctor then explained to me that she was prone to waxy build up in her ears, most likely due to allergies.  I would need to clean her ears with an ear cleansing solution, each time after bathing.  Because Tootsie had some dry skin issues, it was suggested that I only bath her every two weeks, instead of every week,  as I had been.

Ear Cleansing Solution for Dogs

The doctor also mentioned that Tootsie's diet was a major factor in her allergy symptoms and condition of her  skin and coat. I would need to change her diet and also administer Children's Benadryl to ease her allergy symptoms.

Do you have a fur baby with allergies? What symptoms does your dog display?

To recap, here is a list of recommendations from Tootsie's veterinarian:

  • Administer Children's Benadryl as needed, every 8 to 12 hours, for allergy symptoms; head shaking, sneezing, paw licking, scratching.
  • Bathe Tootsie every other week to keep allergens off skin and coat.
  • Clean ears with an Ear Cleansing Solution, after bathing.
  • Elliminate the top food allergens from Tootsie's diet and offer a high quality food.

What treatment plan has your veterinarian recommended due to allergies?

 Remember, it is important to consult with your dog's doctor if allergies are suspected.  The treatment plan I have outlined for Tootsie, may not be suitable for your dog.  Do not take this post as medical advice, I'm just a pet parent sharing my experience.
Always consult with your veterinarian.

Thank you for stopping by today and hope you'll check back in next week, when I'll be sharing with you my journey to finding Tootsie a new and improved diet.

Until next time...

                            Hug your furbabies ❤


  1. Tootsie is so adorable. That's so sad that she was passed around before she ended up with you. I'm glad she's found a great forever home that can provide her with the proper care! I hope her allergies get better!

    1. Thank you for your kind words and visit. She is a little sweetheart, she's starting to get better slowly❤

  2. We battle seasonal allergies every year. Lots of bathes helps a ton. I also use a natural anti-itch spray.

    1. Bathing is helping, I'm very interested to know what spray you use. Thanks for your visit ❤

  3. We battle seasonal allergies in our pack too. Fortunately diet has gotten the skin issues under control, but there's lot of sneezing and itching still.

    1. I'm glad you were able to get the skin issues under control. I've noticed Tootsie is scratching less since I changed her food, but the sneezing continues!

  4. What a cutie you are, Tootsie! I'm glad you were able to diagnose her issues, although I'm sorry that you two have to deal with that! Sending love from New York ❤️

    1. Thank you for your kind words and visit ❤ Ah, New York haven't been there in forever, love the Big Apple, great shopping and museums.

  5. When I eat food that contains grain I get ear infections. I can eat treats with grain as long as it is a small amount!!!

    1. That's interesting that you can eat grain in treats. Tootsie must avoid all grain and chicken.

  6. Tootsie is so cute! Love the story of how she picked you to give her a forever home :) Allergies are so annoying!

    1. Thank you Kia, she is very precious. I think Tootsie would agree with you 100% about the allergies!

  7. Awww, Tootsie, we're sorry you have allergies. You have a great mom though, and you're in good paws. We'd like to post your rescue/adoption story on our blog if you'd like to share it with us. We adore love at first sight stories.

    1. Thank you Lola for your kind words. Tootsie would be honored to tell her story, just let me know what she needs to do.

  8. Mr. N has a flea allergy and we were also told to give him Benadryl. I had no idea Tootsie was six pounds, I thought she was smaller.

    1. Sorry to hear of Mr N's flea allergy, I used to have a large breed dog with that issue, it's not fun.

      Tootsie is the larger end of the Chihuahua size, but she has very petite features, I guess that's what makes her look smaller ❤

  9. Tootsie is absolutely adorable. I am glad she is no longer a breeder dog and happy and safe with you. Ruby has some autoimmune issues that we originally thought were allergies. She has some medication that she takes and we also feed her a high quality, natural diet and are careful with the products we use for bathing, etc. Our vet also limits her vaccines.

    1. Thank you, she is a little sweetheart. I must give kudos to the breeder I got her from, she is a wonderful person for helping Chihuahua's find forever homes as well as breeding for quality.

      Sorry to here about Ruby's condition. I wasn't aware that dogs could have autoimmune disorders. Are they similar to autoimmune disorders in humans?

  10. Rosa has terrible allergies too. She can really only eat chicken and she refused to walk on the grass due to the itching she gets during all the seasons other than winter!

    1. Interesting that chicken is Rosa's only friendly protein, it's usually the opposite. It's good that you were able to figure that out.
      I can't imagine a dog not being able to enjoy romping in the grass, poor Miss Rosa. She's probably ready for winter at this point❤

  11. She is so cute, Layla has allergies which I have managed to get to the bottom of most of them, she is allergic to Benadryl also BOL - my luck

    1. So happy you were able to figure out Layla's allergy triggers. That makes it tough she can't take Benadryl. Have you tried the one without dyes?

  12. Oh Tootsie is so cute I cannot stand it! Well Sherm has allergies so I use an ear cleaner with Ketaconazole that works well and sometimes he goes in for a BKT, which is a longer term ear medication that stays in for about a week and works well! We also have tried Aquapuncture too. The regular ear cleanings seem to do the trick! Glad Tootsie is doing well!

    1. Thank you for your kind compliment Christine. Glad you were able to get Sherm's allergy symptoms under control with the cleanings. The acupuncture sounds like an interesting treatment alternative.

  13. Allergies are the worst :(! Charlie has a grass allergy, it's horrible :(

    1. Aren't they, Valerie?! Sorry to hear of Charlie's grass allergy. It saddens me when dogs are allergic to one of their favorite places to romp.

  14. Tootsie is so adorable! I'm glad you have given her a wonderful new life, I know she'll be a pampered pooch all her life! Thanks for sharing your Vet's recommendations for allergies, it's helpful to know. I suspect my girl Phoebe may have allergies but we can't tell what's causing them.
    Love & Biscuits,
    Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them

    1. Thank you for your kind comment and visit. I'm sorry to hear that Phoebe might possibly have allergies, it is tough to figure out sometimes.

  15. Allergies are like a plague these days. Jasmine had some issues with them too, though she wasn't an itchy dog. We managed her quite successfully with integrative medicine.

    1. I agree! So glad you were able to manage Jasmine's allergies.

  16. Allergies are no fun my Shepherd has seasonal allergies to Bermuda grass its a constant struggle.

    1. I agree, they aren't fun at all. Sorry to hear about your shepherd's allergies, it's good that you were able to pinpoint the type of grass they are allergic to.

  17. Lucky it was not an ear infection but tough to have allergies. I have bad ones but Kilo the Pug seems OK so far. Hope your little cutie gets relief now.

    1. We were very fortunate there was no infection. Sorry to hear you suffer from allergies, they are no fun at all. Glad to hear that Kilo does not have any ❤

  18. I hope Tootsie gets relief soon! My dog, Nelly, had a recent flare up and she has really been suffering. I will be taking her to the vet tomorrow.

    1. Thank you for the well wishes. Hope everything will be okay with Nelly, you'll have to let me know how it goes at the vets.

  19. We can sympathize - Henry has severe allergies. It's tough to see them uncomfortable. These are great points to share.

    1. Thank you for your kind words. So sorry to hear that Henry's are severe, it is heart breaking when they suffer. Tootsie is starting to show signs of improvement since this was published.

  20. Yikes! I'm glad you were able to get some help for Tootsie right away. I tend to get worked up every time I think something is wrong with my kitties. We don't really have any allergy issues here. Cinco did have an allergy, but we only saw the symptoms of it once and it cleared up as soon as we removed a particular rug from our home.
    -Purrs from your friends at

    1. That's wonderful that you were able to pinpoint that the rug was an issue and they no longer have any concerns. Thank you for your kind words and visit, Robin.

  21. Tootsie landed on her paw with a caring Mom like you.

    Being in a position to ask your vet sensible questions is always a great start getting to the bottom on an issue. I write things down in case I get nervous and forget. I want to get the best care for my cats!

    1. Thank you for your kind comment ❤ very smart to write everything down, your a wonderful kitty Momma.

  22. I've honestly never had a dog that had allergy issues although I've trained plenty of them! Diet often seems to really make a difference, but I suppose that really depends upon the actual allergy! I loved your recap at the end! Really good to bring your post home and summarize!

    1. Tootsie's Vet believes that good diet is the foundation of a healthy pet, which truly makes sense. It's a lot easier to combat anything bwhen your body is strong and healthy. Thank you for your kind words and visit, you made my day ❤

  23. My mom's dog is having problems with allergies and they haven't narrowed down the problem yet.

    1. Oh no, so sorry to hear that. I hope they can figure it out soon. Hugs for your Mom's fur baby❤

  24. As a Cocker mom, we can empathize. We have cured our pooch through many things including dietary changes. I hope the same for you: no more itches~!

    1. Thank you for your kind wishes ❤
      I'm so happy to hear that you were able to cure your cocker spaniels allergies, that's wonderful.

  25. My Aussie, Reagan has sensitive skin and my oldest Husky, Harmony has the same problem with her paws. We are still on the search for the best solution. Thanks for sharing your experience.

    1. Your welcome, hope you find something helpful for your solution with Reagan and Harmony's symptoms. Thanks for visiting ❤

  26. This is helpful, I'm glad you got Tootsie to the Vet away, poor baby. I love the story of how you found each other, it was clearly meant to be!
    Love & biscuits,
    Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them

  27. Loved reading this story on how you found Tootsie The Chi! Sorry to hear she has allergies. Allergies can be so tricky to treat. Florence has allergies. She also has severe IBD so we can't just make changes to her food. We have her on a treatment plan that includes two different medications. It works pretty well. I hope your treatment plan works for Tootsie.
