Tootsie's First Attempt To Go Wordless

Welcome to our first Wordless Wednesday post. Tootsie and I are so happy you stopped by to say hello.

Be sure to visit some of the other wonderful bloggers who have linked up for the blog hop.

Tootsie the Chi practicing silence for wordless wednesday.

Tootsie is practicing being silent for her very first wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.  How did she do?

Have a wonderful day and hug your furbaby 💚💗


  1. She did a great job! It's SO hard for me to stay silent in these wordless posts! I tried really hard this week! Great pic.

    1. Tootsie was happy to hear that! Being the vocal little dog she is, it was really tough for her 😄. Heading over now to check out yours!
