What Happens When You Have A Creative Block?

What happens when you have a creative block?  This can be taken as a question for you to answer, in the comments below, or as an introduction to an explanation.

What happens when you have a creative block? Tootsie the Chihuahua shares her thoughts and advice

I would like to pose this as a two sided question.  I am curious to know what happens in your world when you face a creative block.  I would also like to share with you what happens in my little world.

So grab a cup of coffee, find a cozy chair and fluffy pillow...  I'll wait right here...

As for myself, when a creative block strikes, I panic.  I don't mean panic in the sense of frantic or anxiety ridden.  I more or less panic myself into a slump, a depressed state of mind, I second guess my gifts, my talents and bury myself into a silence.  It seems that the harder I try to pull myself out of this state, the further I bury myself in negativity and self doubt.  It can be days or weeks before I snap out of it.

So what happens when you have a creative block? Do you ride it out, fight it or get your dog to take over the blog?

Normally, I would fight it for days or weeks before coming to the realization that this strategy is pointless.  At this stage, I'm mentally and creatively drained.  I will then shift into riding it out...

Today, I decided to take a different approach, since my creative block is heading down a long month of creative nothingness.

I'm turning my blog over to my dog!  Temporarily,  of course!

Without further adieu, allow me to introduce you to my adorable little Chihuahua, Tootsie.

Tootsie the Chihuahua

Woofs and smoochies to you my sweet friends!  Momma seems to be having some sort of creative melt down.  Kind of like when you leave a box of crayons in the sun and they merge into a color of nothing.  It's not very pretty, either.  

Melted crayons depict a creative meltdown

Fortunately, I don't have this problem, being a dog and all...

Since you humans seem to get this creative block, I have made a list of things to do, that will help you overcome your creative block.  There is a reason we are man's best friend, we get you out of a pickle all the time.  I still don't understand what it is with you humans and pickles.  Anyways here's my list!

How To Overcome A Creative Meltdown by Tootsie The Chi:

  • Take a nap
  • Go for a walk, with your dog
Chihuahua going for a walk with her dog mom

  • Play with your dog
  • Bake treats for your dog
  • Read a book, to your dog
  • Sing songs, to your dog
  • Go for a drive, with your dog
  • Go shopping, for your dog (toy shopping)
  • Hug your dog

By the time you finish this list your tail will be wagging!  Well, maybe not yours, but your dogs will be.

Still melting? Eat some ice cream...

                 with your dog ❤

Smoochies and hugs,

                      🐕 Tootsie


  1. We all get a little block every now and then. I just like to spend time with the dogs and wait for the creative juices to flow again! :) Yes, a little ice cream never hurt no one! lol

    1. I agree spending time with dogs is so therapeutic. Ice cream makes it even better, especially if it includes chocolate!

  2. Mr. N's favorite is walk your dog. He always thinks he could use more walks.

    1. I think Mr N is on to something! I always feel energized after a walk too.

  3. Great idea. I'm sure she has plenty to say.

    1. Thank you Jana ❤ & yes, Tootsie is quite talkative once she gets started!

  4. A walk outside in the fresh air always works well for me, when I need some inspiration.

    1. Walking is great for exploring at a slow pace to soak up all the sights and sounds.

  5. This is great advice, Tootsie! I get those blocks too, just like your Ma. I'm going to try these tips, thanks cutie!
    Love & biscuits,
    Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them

    1. Thank you Miss Cathy, I'm so happy I could help you! Smoochies, 🐕 ~Tootsie

  6. Love your post and I do have that problem also but normally a good walk with Layla in the morning gets my brain working while she is smelling all the leaves and trees along the way, watching her tail wag as she walks is a great inspiration LOL

    1. Thank you Rochelle for your kind words and visit. Layla sounds like the perfect companion ❤

  7. Tootsie you are so precious for helping om with her creative block. Just like you i have several dogs that inspire and help me out when i encounter a block

    1. Thanks you for the kind compliments. I'm so happy you have pawsome fur babies to help you. Luv, 🐕 Tootsie

  8. I tend to ride it out. I'm either feeling creative or I'm not and there's no forcing it. Walks and coffee sometimes help, but otherwise I usually just try again later.

    1. That is so true! Oh yes, coffee... for me life begins after coffee.

  9. For us, we have our blogging structure in place but if we really REALLY hit a block we would miss a post. There is no point in stressing about blogging materials or one post in 365 days. Life is too short and you have to live! If I hit a block I go and make things, I can't imagine NOT making things (how do people manage - do they wtch TV all day?)

    1. Very true, life is short! Thank you for visiting, have a happy day ❤

  10. I love the idea of turning the blog over to my FiveSibes! When I get writer's block, I will do some brainstorming exercises, definitely coffee (and more coffee!) and if that doesn't work, then I take time off, close the laptop and step away from it for a bit and doing something completely different - like go for a car ride with my daughter and play with my Huskies. Then come back with a fresh approach!

    1. That sounds like the perfect break! Coffee is wonderful isn't it?

  11. Writer's block happens to everyone. Whenever I struggle to find something to write about, I simply write about whatever it is we just did recently and that normally winds up becoming a way for me to identify a subject (like dog friendly stores) that folks might enjoy.

    1. That's a great suggestion, thank you so much! Appreciate your visit, hope you had happy times during the holidays.

  12. That sounds like a terrific strategy for breaking the creative block. And if it doesn't work, at least the dog is happy. And if your dog is happy, that's awesome!

    1. Totally agree, making my dogs happy is number one on my list!

  13. Very sweet. I love Tootsie's picks. Just do, have fun and have more fun.

    1. Thank you for your kind words and visit. I agree having fun is so important, life is short ❤

  14. When I get a creative block with the blog, I search through photos of the girls for inspiration.

    1. That's a wonderful way to gain inspiration. Your two are precious ❤

  15. Creative blocks are definitely frustrating! I have done all kinds of things to try and get around them. Sometimes it helps to free write and discuss the problems and frustrations that are going on in my head. Other times it is best to just step away from whatever I'm attempting to create, let my mind do something else for a while, and then come back to my project. I find that stress is one of the biggest reasons for creative block to occur. Solving the stress solves the creative block.

    -Purrs from your friends at www.PlayfulKitty.net

    1. Thank you for your suggestions, I will have to try free writing. I would never of thought to consider stress as a factor, definitely need to visit this. Things have been quite stressful for me recently. Thank you, Robin ❤

  16. I love it when my dogs distract me, but I always end up taking long naps with them, then waking up to rush for my deadlines, lol! I work best under pressure, so it kind of works out.

    1. Dogs are a great distraction! Sounds like you have a great routine going for you!

  17. Tootsie is so cute and helpful. I get blocks on editing and finishing pitches, creative and blog posts, especially my passion projects like Penny P Pug as I am scared of a "no". Those are all great suggestions and work for me (Kilo loves pug hugs, playing with me, treats and toys) - I'd add I'll take a photo or video of him posing or looking cute.

    1. I can understand that, rejection can be tough. I learned in a seminar once that it takes practice to get used to no's. We had to do an exercise and purposely try to achieve 100 no's. It was a valuable exercise!

      I love your add, taking and editing photos is my favorite thing to do when I'm having creative blocks.

  18. I have this problem at times. I just ride it out. These are great tips. Taking a breather by doing other things like walking the dog will most likely give some inspiration in some way :)

    1. Happy to hear that you found Tootsie's tips helpful! Thanks for visiting. Happy Weekend ❤

  19. Creative blocks are HARD! I struggle with them a lot. Sometimes it's fatigue, though, and I've learned to give myself a guilt-free break when that happens, lest I get the urge to run over my blog with a bulldozer and ram it out the window of a skyscraper. ☺ Glad you found your way out, and in such an adorable fashion!

    1. Oh Elizabeth, haha! Thanks you for the chuckle, I needed that today! Appreciate your kindness ❤
