I'm Back! Let's Chit Chat

Inspirational quote with sunrise

 Wow so I've been gone from the blogosphere since forever...

It's funny though, once a blogger always a blogger. 

So I'm back for a quick chit chat!  Though I'd share one of my favorite inspirational quotes as well!  I truly believe mindset is everything.  What's one of your favorite quotes?

So many new things going on with me.  This blog was originally started as a pet blog for dogs and cats and I really enjoyed writing about this topic.  I still have 6 dogs, 3 cats but my life has evolved over the years and I have so many more topics to share with you!

At this point, going forward i plan to write about whatever is going on with me in that moment!  So I guess my blog is evolving into more of a lifestyle niche.

Recently I've been very interested in fashion, makeup and art journaling.   Don't get me wrong, my dogs & cats are still a huge part of my life, but there are so many other things I want to share with you! 

So until next time...

Take care and hug your furbabies 💝

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