5 Dog Quotes To Enjoy With A Cuppa

Woman enjoying a cup of coffee with her dog

A perfect morning begins with a cup of coffee, your dog and something enjoyable to read.  Wouldn't you agree?

Here are five famous quotes, about dogs, to get your morning off to a perfect start!

Whoever said you can't buy happiness, never owned a dog

Gene Hill said it perfectly in this quote, "Whoever said you can't buy happiness, forgot about puppies."

Wouldn't you agree that a puppy can bring so much happiness to your life.  Of course, you don't always have to buy a puppy.  There are many puppies at shelters and rescues, just waiting for their forever home.

Quote about dogs appreciating your conversation

"No one appreciates the very genius of your conversation as the dog does.", as quoted by Christopher Morley.   Couldn't of said it better myself, dogs are such attentive and kind listeners.  Something we as humans tend to lack.  Perhaps that is the reason dog is man's best friend!

Cute dog taking a bath in a green tub

Just looking at this cute dog, covered in soap suds, makes me giggle.  This quote from Franklin P Jones, "Anyone who doesn't know what soap tastes like, never washed a dog"; is so true.  It's nearly impossible to give a dog a bath without getting covered in soap or end up soaking wet.  How many times have you had your dog jump out of the tub and try to make a quick exit down the hallway?

Cute dog eating an ice cream cone

Famous quote about dogs, from Otto Von Bismarck, "Hounds follow those who feed them".  Nothing can be further from the truth!  Wouldn't you agree?  We call it cupboard love in our family.

Black labrador with quote, dogs leave footprints on our heart

I'm not sure the origin of this quote, I'm believing it's from the excerpt of a poem, but not certain.  If you know the original author or poet, let me know in the comments.  This is probably one of the most popular quotes, which is widely used on coffee mugs, plaques, shirts, mouse pads, you name it!  For good reason, dogs do hold a special place in our hearts.

I hope you enjoyed reading these quotes; with your cuppa coffee or tea, and your fur baby of course!

Wishing you a beautiful day, adorned with love❤



  1. Love it! Three of my favorite things - dogs, coffee, and good quotes! Sharing & Pinning!

    1. So happy you enjoyed the quotes! I must agree those three make a great trio ❤

      Thank you for the pin & share as well as your kind words.

      Have a pawsome day!

  2. Love these especially the second one. Ruby always finds our conversations very interesting …or at least, I think she does. LOL

    1. Fur babies truly are the best listeners! So happy you enjoyed these quotes. Thank you for your visit ❤

  3. Love these. That last one especially hits home today.
