Savory Veggie Bites For Your Next Dog Party

We've been having an unusually mild winter this year and this past weekend was no exception. With beautiful blue skies, sunshine,  and temperatures in the 60's, it was the perfect opportunity to spend time outdoors with the dogs.

Tootsie's cousin, Mr A, was expected to be popping over for a visit, along with his Momma.  It seemed the perfect opportunity to do something special for all the dogs.

I didn't want to head to the store, knowing Mr A and his Momma would be arriving soon, so I did a little brainstorming, with some assistance from Mr W ...

Chow Dog waiting patiently in the kitchen for some dog treats.

I've been wanting to try out a few new treat recipes for our pups, that are both healthy and delicious.  I figured this was a great way  to accomplish my goal and have a special surprise for the dogs!

With the ingredients I had on hand, I was able to come up with this simple and easy recipe to make for the dogs.

The dogs loved these savory veggie bites so much, that I decided I needed to  share this  recipe with you!

Easy no bake dog treat recipe for your next dog party.

Savory Veggie Bites Recipe

A Healthy Treat Your Dog Will Love


  •  3/4 Cup Organic Greek Yogurt, Plain
  • 6 Florets of Organic Broccoli
  • 8 Organic Petite Baby Carrots

  1. Place Greek yogurt in a strainer , lined with cheesecloth or a coffee filter.  Allow liquid to drain off.  
  2. Finely chop broccoli and carrots in blender.
  3. Gently combine vegetables with yogurt.
  4. Form mixture into bite size balls.  Allow veggie bites to rest on a paper towel lined tray, to  drain off any excess moisture. 
Step by step instructions for no bake dog treat recipe, which uses organic ingredients.

Plate veggie bites on a platter with garnishes of mini dog bones or a few carrot sticks and  broccoli florets. 

Plated savory veggie bites, garnished with finely chopped broccoli, carrot mix,  and mini dog bones

Serve to your furry guests to get the party started ❤

On a side note, you can drain the yogurt in the fridge the night before,(see step 1 above), to speed up the preparation of the treats.  You can also chop the vegetables coarser if you want the bites to have more of a crunchy texture.  For us having dogs with different needs, one senior and two small dogs, I found it was better to use a fine chop for the veggies. I also made small, medium and large size bites, to accommodate the tiniest to largest of mouths.

The dogs had a great time at our party, we took lots of pictures to capture the fun!

Here are a few snapshots from our outdoor, beautiful weather, celebration.

Chow dog and two chihuahuas waiting patiently for their veggie bites at the outdoor dog party.

Mr. W, Mr Stewy and Mr A patiently waiting to try the veggie bites.

Tootsie the Chi, waiting patiently for her veggie bite, she's a dog that knows a good treat when she sees it!

Tootsie the Chi licking her chops in anticipation of her treat.   I think her fur~brothers must of tipped her off to how delicious they are!

 I would also like to send out a special thank you, to Mr A's Momma, for assisting with the outdoor photography.  She got some awesome shots, wouldn't you agree?

It was really nice to spend time outdoors with the dogs and Mr A's Momma. I think the surprise veggie bites made it extra special for our pups.

Do you have outdoor celebrations with your dogs?  What's your favorite place to have a dog party?
Would love to hear all about it!

Until next time, get outside and enjoy time with your fur baby ❤


  1. Tootsie looks like she can't wait to try one! What a great idea for a last minute recipe.

    1. Tootsie was super excited, I believe this quite possibly was her very first homemade treat and dog pawty ❤

  2. I don't think treats get much easier to make, and that's a plus in my book. I made some treats a few months ago, but nothing lately. I did mention to hubby it's a good idea to start making some again, as the treats he's buying Jack are, pardon my language, absolute crap. I think I'll give this a try! Thanks for sharin.

    1. This is quite easy and fun to make! Hope your pups enjoy the treats as much as mine did ❤

  3. Nice little savories for the party! Mr. N likes going for picnics and beach parties.

    1. Thank you! A beach party sounds like a fun time, might have to have a faux Beach party up here in the mountains ❤

  4. I love that these are no bake treats! I am the worst baker in the world (burn everything), but I think I could handle making these. I also love the idea of making dog treats for a doggie play date or party.

    1. I totally get that, no bake is the best, especially when you are pressed for time. Hope you get a chance to try some for your next play date ❤

  5. Fantastic savories for the party indeed. Did they eat it all? Should I make a small experimental quantity first?

    1. We ended up with 6 or 7 bites that were not eaten, which we refrigerated for the next day, as a treat. Depending on the size of your dog or how many dogs you will be serving, you may want to reduce the recipe. You could also reserve some to use as a human treat by adding some nice herbs, nuts and or cheese! They are quite delicious ❤

  6. These look so healthy & delicious, my dogs would love them especially Phoebe! She loves her veggies. The photos are adorable, it looks like a heck of a pawty!
    Love & Biscuits,
    Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them

    1. Hope Phoebe gets a chance to try some with her fur~siblings. The pawty was a blast!

  7. Kilo loves carrots and broccoli and yoghurt so these would be a winner in our house. I think my daughter and I would enjoy too with a little mayo and some herbs. We always have fresh veggies as snacks.

    1. Sounds like the perfect treat for Kilo's next pawty! Oh mayo and some fresh herbs would make these the perfect bite sized snack for the two legged ❤

  8. I love that these are no bake! My Lyla would LOVE these as her favorite snack are veggies! She and I will make some this week! Thanks for the great idea!

    1. It is a super fun recipe! You'll have to let me know if Lyla likes them ❤

  9. Super easy recipe, I like it! My dogs like carrots, but I've not offered them broccoli. They really like fruit, so I think they'd embrace these veggie treats, too. I will be checking these out! Thanks!

    1. Would be the perfect way to introduce some broccoli. You could always increase the carrots and decrease the amount of broccoli. My pups love fresh fruits too ❤

  10. Yum! These sound delicious! Love that they don't require baking either. I am definitely no cook or baker, so simple treats like these are nice.

    1. They are really good and simple to make. You'll have to let me know if you try out the recipe ❤

  11. Veggies, yum. I just dehydrated some fresh veggies for Dexter for treats. He's digging them.

    1. My pups love veggies too! I've never dehydrated them before, sounds like something to check into!

  12. uhm...I think our invitation to this AWESOME party got lost in the mail ;-) Those treats look delicious and easy, which makes them perfect!

    1. Ruh~roh! You'll definitely have to catch our next pawty and we promise to have some of these veggie bites ❤

  13. Your food for your dogs always look good enough for humans to eat!

    1. So true! These are actually great for humans too, I would add some spices, fresh herbs or nuts for added flavor ❤

  14. Those look really tasty! I love how nutritious they are too. Your dogs look like they want to snatch them out of your hand before you even get the photo. :) Great idea for a pawty snack!
    -Purrs from your friends at

  15. What a fun dog pawty! Delicious, healthy snacks are always a welcome treat!

    1. Agree, we always stick with healthy treats. The party was so much fun!

  16. Replies
    1. They are super yummy! Haven't met a dog yet that doesn't like them ❤
