Homemade Birdie Muffins For Your Feathered Friend

If you have a feathered friend of your own, or know someone who does, you are going to love this easy, homemade recipe for Birdie Muffins. Your feathered friend will too!

Homemade Birdie Muffins your feathered friends will enjoy snacking on.

We've been having quite the week here on the east coast,with Mother Nature!  Just when we thought Spring was here, Mother Nature decided to surprise us with a blizzard.

Since we are snowed in at the moment, I thought it would be the perfect time to make some birdie muffins for my Quaker parrot.

This homemade recipe is something I learned to make from the breeder I got my parrot from.  It's super  fast and easy to make, you can store the birdie muffins in the freezer and defrost as needed.

My Quaker parrot, Iris, loves her birdie muffins! She will ask for them when I haven't made a batch for awhile.  Unfortunately, she's very camera and video shy, so I can't get her to talk when she knows I'm recording.

I did capture this video of her getting excited about the fact that I was making her favorite treat!

Do you have parrots that like to dance?  Sometimes, Iris will dance when the radio is on.  Her favorite pastime is deconstructing and rebuilding the toys in her cage.  She also enjoys foraging, as do most parrots.

Blue quaker parrot enjoying a homemade strawberry-banana birdie muffin

This recipe for Birdie Muffins is perfect for providing a foraging activity for your feathered friend.

Batch of homemade birdie muffins fresh from the oven.

Homemade Birdie Muffins

  • Jiffy Cornbread Mix
  • 1 Egg (including shell)
  • 1/3 cup Milk
  • 2 ripe Bananas
  • 1 cup chopped Strawberries (fresh or frozen)
  • 1/4 cup uncooked pasta of your choice

Preheat oven to 400℉.  Prepare cornbread mix as directed on package.  Be sure to include the eggshell, it is a good source of calcium for your bird.

Add in uncooked pasta, chopped strawberries, and mashed bananas.

Place batter into mini muffin pans. Yields 24-30 depending on the size of your muffins.

Bake for approximately 10-12 minutes or until golden and center tests done.

Allow the muffins to cool before giving to your parrot or bird.

Homemade Birdie Muffins with strawberries, bananas and pasta.

You can freeze these muffins in a freezer bag and defrost one or two as needed.  Additionally, you can substitute the fruits for some veggies, or do a mix of fruit and veggies.  The possibilities are endless!

These muffins also make a great gift for all the feathered friends you know ❤


  1. Thanks so much fur sharing!

    Happy St Patrick's Day!

    Bestest purrs

    Basil & Co xox

    1. You are very welcome! Any birdie friends you'll be baking for? Happy St Paddy's Day!

  2. What a cool recipe, I love this! Iris is so adorable, I'll bet she loved these bird friendly treats.
    Love & Biscuits,
    Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them

    1. Thank you Cathy! Iris does love these, quite a lot! This variety is one of her faves, she loves her bananas ❤

  3. What a great idea! I wish I had thought of this when I had love birds. What a lucky birdie! ~Rascal and Rocco

    1. Thank you, credit goes to the breeder, she gave me lots of great ideas for treats when I got Iris ❤ love birds are so sweet, would love to see a pic sometime!
