Magical Moments Happen At BlogPaws

My experience at the BlogPaws conference, in Myrtle Beach, SC, was nothing less than magical. I don't mean magical in the sense of hocus-pocus. Rather, the magic that occurs within you, when you have an a-ha or defining moment.

Why you will want to attend a BlogPaws conference, where magical moments happen

I nearly backed out, from attending the conference, due to my anxiety of driving over 400 miles, to unknown territory, by myself.  Well, not quite by myself, Tootsie would be riding shotgun!

The month preceding the conference, I flipped back and forth, like a fish out of water.  I'm going to the conference, I'm not going, I'm going, maybe I won't go...

I then had the pleasure of connecting with Elizabeth Keene, with Chronicles of Cardigans, who is the Newbie Ambassador for BlogPaws. Her post filled with free BlogPaws conference encouragement, motivated me to push through my anxiety and fears.

Then, about a week before I was due to leave, I came across this quote:

Everything you have ever wanted is on the other side of fear quote.

"Everything you've ever wanted, is on the other side of fear" George Addair

A quote that motivated me to push through my fear and drive to the BlogPaws conference.  A conference that I had been dreaming about attending for almost a year!

A year ago, I was introduced to the BlogPaws community, by a fellow blogger. Sadly, I do not remember her name, so if it's you reading this, please reach out to me! I would love to tell you how grateful I am for the introduction.

I did not attend the 2016 BlogPaws conference, as I had only just begun my pet blogging journey and wasn't sure where I was going with this blog.

  I watched the 2016 Nose to Nose Awards Dinner, via live streaming from Chandler, Arizona. It was  Chloe DiVita's, COE of BlogPaws, inspirational, opening remarks, that prompted me to purchase my ticket for the 2017 BlogPaws conference. I bought a ticket the day they went on sale, might I add.

Who knew that one ticket, would become my golden ticket, to a life changing experience!

If I had to sum up my experience at BlogPaws in just a few words, I'm not sure I could. There are truly not enough words to describe the magical moments. You really have to attend, to understand the magic that happens to you, as an individual, a writer, an influencer, a business person, and/or an animal lover.

I guess, the closest I can come, to sum it up is,

"A BlogPaws conference, is like being at Disney World, there is so much to see, to feel, to experience and you can't do it all in one day."

It is, a truly, life changing experience, that I encourage anyone, who is considering attending, to go for it!

Here are a few highlights of my takeaways, defining and a-ha moments, in no particular order.

  • Traveling solo increases your awareness of yourself and how strong you really are.

  • Connecting, in person, with those you network with online, confirms that you have found your tribe. It is wonderful to have a blogger, who has never met you before, run up to you and know you, your dog and your blog!

  • Dogs truly are man's (or ladies) best friend. Without Tootsie, I would not of overcome my struggles.

  • Keynote speaker, Kathleen Gage, affirmed my decision to attend the conference when she said, "In order to succeed, you must show up".

  • Keynote speaker, Jay Baer, motivated me to really look inside myself and regroup my processes. My takeaway from Jay Baer, "Be Useful"

  • Last, but not least, something to remember always, from Bernard Lima-Chavez of The Graffiti Dog, "Just be yourself"

Magical moments really do happen at a BlogPaws conference. Can't wait to see the magic unfold in 2018!  Hope to see you in Kansas City, Missouri.


  1. I, for one, am glad you decided to come. I was looking for you and Tootsie, and thankfully I found you on the last night! It was a pleasure meeting you and hope we stay connected through our blogs, FB and the boosts.

    1. Thank you, it was wonderful meeting you too! We definitely need to stay in touch ❤

  2. We were at the conference too. TW went back and forth on whether she'd go or not; in fact, at one point, she put her ticket up for sale. If BlogPaws is like Disney World, the Cat Lounge is more definitely a Magic Kingdom.

    1. I'm glad you attended, but sorry we didn't get a chance to meet one another. I hope we can in 2018.
      Oh I agree, the cat lounge is amazing ❤
