Dog Mom DIY Motivational Water Bottle

I'm excited to share with you a fun DIY project for dog moms! I hope you enjoy this motivational water bottle for dog moms, as much as I do!  What I really like about this particular project is you can personalize it to fit you and your style.  It also has the time markers to keep you on track all day, with your water drinking goals. Choose your favorite water bottle, grab your supplies and meet me back here in five!

Dog Mom Diy project for a motivational water bottle. Step by step instructions

Before we get started with this DIY project, let me fill you in on what's been happening in my world.

It's been a week, today, that I returned from the BlogPaws conference in Myrtle Beach, SC.  I learned so much and met so many wonderful people, from brands, to bloggers and everyone in between.

At the conference, they had delicious, infused water that you could help yourself to, throughout the day. Such a nice touch and was it refreshing!

Strawberries and cucumber to add to your infused water

When I attended the BlogPaws conference, I had the pleasure of meeting many wonderful pet bloggers, who inspired me in different ways.

Cuddle Clone of Bionic Basil at Myrtle Beach BlogPaws Conference
Cuddle Clone of Bionic Basil

I, by chance, or maybe fate, met the PA (Purrsonal Assistant) to Bionic Basil, when I had stepped outside to give Tootsie some fresh air and a needed break.  I had no idea when I first began talking to the PA that she was even a blogger! I thought she was just someone staying at the hotel, on vacation.  After chatting for a while, I discovered who she was! I was absolutely thrilled to meet her and quite surprised, as I didn't know she was attending the BlogPaws conference.

The PA and I hit it off right away and had a wonderful chat about all sorts of things.  The one thing that has stuck in my mind and I will be forever grateful for, is she inspired me to drink more water.

This post is dedicated to Bionic Basil's PA, for her kind inspiration ❤

I knew, if I was going to drink more water, I needed a plan. A plan that would motivate me.  I've seen many motivational water bottles to purchase on Etsy and various other online stores.  I knew I could easily order one online.  I also knew I would buy it and it would sit pretty on the kitchen counter!

I decided, if this water challenge was going to work for me, I needed to have some investment in it.  So, I set out to make my own motivational water bottle. You can too!

You will need:

Supplies needed for a motivational water bottle

  • Water Bottle (26-32 Ounces)
  • Colored Permanent Markers (Fine)
  • Measuring Tape
  • Stencil or Vinyl Sticker Lettering (1/4 & 1/2 inch)

  1. Measure your bottle from the top to the bottom water line.  Divide this number by 6.  This will be the amount of spacing between each time mark. (Example:  the bottle I used is 6 inches from top to bottom. Divided 6 by 6, my line spacing is 1 inch)
  2. Place tape measure on bottle from top to bottom. Mark a small dot every inch ( or whatever your spacing should be).
  3. Place tape measure around the diameter of the bottle at the first dot and draw a 3 inch line.  Repeat this step until you have all five lines.
Time mark lines on motivational water bottle

  1. On the first line, put 8 AM on the far left, just above the line. Put 2 PM to the far right just above the line. You can use a stencil, vinyl stickers or your own handwriting.  I used vinyl stickers to trace the outline, removed the stickers and then filled in lettering with colored, permanent markers.
  2. Put the time on the far right and left of the last five lines.  It will look like this:
          8 AM____________2 PM
          9 AM____________3 PM
         10 AM____________4 PM
         11 AM____________5 PM
         12 Noon__________6 PM

How to mark the times on a motivational water bottle

Measure down 1 inch from the last line and write REFILL.

On the opposite side of the bottle, add your own motivational saying or quote. 

DIY motivational water bottle for dog moms

My quote is "Drink your water, woof'n pawlease! Dog Mom"

You're more than welcome to use my quote or come up with your own. Mine is basically what Tootsie would say, if she spoke English!

You can add paw prints to your overall design, if you like.  Have fun with it, it's all about motivating and inspiring yourself.  Like I said above, use a stencil, vinyl stickers or your handwriting.

Today is my first day of my water challenge! So far so good.  I'm using a reusable water bottle, with infuser that I personalized.  I added cucumber and strawberries to my infuser, as I loved it so much at the conference.

I'm planning on creating another DIY water bottle soon, with the blue bottle I have pictured above. Be sure to check back!

What will you be using as a quote on your water bottle? Will you be using an infuser? If so, what are your favorite produce items to infuse? Please let me know in the comments, I may use it in a future post ❤

Until next time,

     Drink more water...

                    for the love of dog!

Chihuahua quote, drink more water for the love of dog


  1. Hi Jane, I just love this idea! It's an excellent and fun way to be track of my water intake (which is something I need to do). Pinned. :) Enjoy your summer.
    Barbara @

    1. Hi Barbara! Thanks for stopping by today and your kind words. Would lo be to see a photo of your finished bottle. Happy Summer to you, as well ❤

  2. Oh wow what an amazing post thank mew so much fur sharing! Mew know the P.A. absolutely loved meeting mew and Tootsie, she had such great fun and made a epically epic new friend that day!!!!

    Big hugs and the furry bestest purrs

    Basil & CO xox

    P.S. I hope my clone was well behaved!!! MOL

    1. Thanks so much Basil for your kind words, isn't your Mum the sweetest?! & yes, your clone was very well behaved. Never heard a peep out of them ❤
