The Life of Pets With Allergies

Since sharing Tootsie's allergy diagnosis, I have learned of many other dogs and cats in the pet community who suffer with some form of allergies.

It can be overwhelming and saddening to find out that your precious fur baby has an allergy.

Tootsie the Chihuahua dealing with her allergy symptoms

I wanted to share with you the stories of other pets who suffer, who have overcome their allergies, as well as some great resource articles. My hope is that you find a useful tip, or solution, for comforting your pet with their allergy symptoms.  If anything, know that you and your fur baby are not alone.

Dogs with Allergies to Food or the environment

Allow me to introduce you to some adorable dogs!  You can visit each one of their blogs, learn more about them, and how they enjoy life, even with allergies:

Charlie from Puppy Tales Studio

Charlie wearing his dog shoes to help with his grass allergy

 Layla of Auction 4 Pet Supplies

Layla resting on her bed, allergies make her tired.

Henry from Sadie & Co. Her and Her Dogs plus the Cat

Honey, a Winnie the Pooh Quote and how it can naturally help dog's with allergies

Please remember that each dog or cats circumstances are different.  You should always consult with your veterinarian if you suspect any allergies or any other medical concerns with your pet.

As the saying goes, there is always light at the end of the tunnel!  Allow me to introduce you to a few that have overcome their allergies, due to some pretty awesome pet parents.  Be sure to visit them for some fabulous advice and solutions to your allergy concerns.

Meet sweet Dexter from Fidose of Reality.  Dexter has overcome his allergies and offers up some great tips and resources for you. His Momma has a  wealth of dog wellness information for you too!

Dexter from Fidose of Reality not only looks adorable in his onesie, but it's helping with his allergy symptoms.

Meet Koly and Fe of Kol's Notes, they have overcome their allergies with their wonderful Momma's extensive knowledge of a dog's dietary needs.  Visit their blog for some great recipes, for dogs with allergies.

What to feed your dog when they don't feel well

Meet Jada from The Chestnut Mutts, she was a long time sufferer of ear infections, due to her allergies.  With the help of her wonderful Momma, she was able to overcome her infections, with just a few flare ups now and then.  Be sure to visit The Chestnut Mutts to find out their resolution.

Jada is one happy dog, since she no longer suffers from ear infections

Additionally, here are some great tips from Animal Bliss, about dealing with seasonal allergies in cats.  Browse around, you'll find lots of helpful articles.

A cat's Life with Allergies

Meet Bentley and Pierre of Barking from the Bayou.  Their Momma is sharing two great diys that you can make to help with your dog's allergies.

I hope you enjoyed learning more about these wonderful dogs and cats as much as I enjoyed sharing them with you.

Would love to hear about your pet and how you are dealing with their allergies.  Are you a pet parent who has found a solution for your dog or cat?  Please share, to help others in the pet community.

A special thank you to all the wonderful pet bloggers who contributed to this article.  Be sure to stop by their blogs and say hello to them.

Hugs to you and your furbabies ❤


  1. Great roundup of helpful info on allergies, thank you! I hope Tootsie feels better.

    1. Thank you for your kind words and visit. Tootsie is improving each day ❤

  2. Mr. N gets benadryl and he's always on a flea preventative as his flea allergy drives him crazy.

    1. Benadryl works wonders doesn't it! So important to keep pets on a flea preventative, especially when a flea allergy is present.

  3. Is it mostly food allergies that are the problem? My dog itches a lot especially in the summer. Fortunately, my condo board has given up using pesticides (or I think they legally had to) because two summers ago ALL the dogs in my townhouse neighbourhood itched incredibly. The dog across the street had to wear a cone for awhile. The company told me the pesticides weren't causing the problem - allergies were. I told them maybe the dogs are allergic to pesticides? It's not a problem in the neighbourhood now that we don't use pesticides.

    1. Pesticides are the worst, for pets and us. We don't use pesticides on our lawn. So glad you were able to figure that out with your furbabies ❤

  4. Wow, I had no idea how common allergies were either. Inspiring to read so many stories of how people have worked to help find solutions to their pet's alleriges

    1. It is inspiring and comforting to learn how other pet parents overcome their fur baby's allergies. Thanks for your visit❤

  5. Allergies have become such a plague. I'd love science to really take a proper look at the "leaky gut" theory. We've been relatively lucky in this department. Jasmine had some allergies but we managed with diet, supplements and TCVM.

    1. I so agree with the whole leaky gut thing. I too suffer from allergies along with Tootsie, guess we were meant for each other.

      Glad to hear that Jasmine's allergies are under control with diet and supplements. It's amazing what a difference a good diet makes❤

  6. Thank you thank you for such a wonderful post, sharing the different blogs was a brilliant idea. Layla is doing so much better here daily phew I am really fortunate and cannot complain. I hope Tootsie is feeling better each day and we sending her a special hug.

    Good luck everyone with finding your solutions as its a long haul, guessing game but the end result is worth it all.

    I still have not given Layla any medications plus her CatandDog flea protector disk is working wonders - not one flea in 3 plus months. (She is allergic to Benadryl)

    Have a great week all

    1. Tootsie says thank you for the well wishes and hugs, right back atcha! Good to know Layla is doing well and no fleas, that is awesome!
      Thank you for your visit and kind words, have a beautiful week ❤

  7. Wow! We didn't know so many pets suffered from allergies. Mommy's friend's cat has allergies and she has to eat special food.

    1. I didn't realize either until sharing Tootsie's story. I'm glad that their is a special food your Momma's friend can give to her cat❤

  8. Rosa suffers terribly to a lot of food. I'm so glad I had her tested so I know what to feed her and what to keep away from her. Great roundup!

    1. I'm sorry to hear that Rosa has so many allergies. Good that you were able to pinpoint them with testing.

      Thank you for your kind words and visit ❤

  9. It is interesting to see how many pets suffer from allergies. I can imagine that it would be difficult to be the owner of a pet with allergies - we always want our furbabies to be healthy. Thank you for giving access to all of these tips! I think they will be very helpful to some pet owners out there.
    -Purrs from your friends at

    1. Happy you enjoyed the round up! I too hope that these articles will benefit the pet community.

      Thank you for your kind visit ❤

  10. Thanks for the informative post on allergies. Truffle has some seasonal allergies that cause her eyes to drain.

    1. Your very welcome. Poor Truffle, does she take any medication for her allergies?

  11. Thank you for including Charlie!! I'm looking forward to try some new recipes from Koly and Fe of Kol's Notes!! Thank you for sharing!

    1. You're very welcome Valerie. Hope Charlie is doing well. Those recipes from Koly & Fe do look like wonderful things to try for Tootsie too ❤

  12. Thank you for sharing our stories. I hope this information helps others. Btw, that is the most adorable (feature) photo!

    1. You're very welcome, I appreciate your contribution. I too hope everyone's articles will help others in the pet community.

      Thank you, you made my day! It's one of my favorite photos of Tootsie ❤

  13. All my human family and I suffer from allergies but I did not realize it was so common in dogs. My previous two did not show signs and Kilo has been good so far (he is only 4 and snuffles a bit as a pug anyway- he has not had fleas or other bites yet) Hope Tootsie is feeling better now and thanks for all the resources in case. I am sure we will get people asking.

    1. Sorry to hear your family and you suffer, but good to know Kilo doesn't! Glad this will be helpful to your pet community.
      Tootsie is much better now as far as food allergy symptoms go, but she is still showing symptoms from something in the environment. Thank you for your kind thoughts ❤

  14. Wonderful collection of stories! I never knew so many pets suffered from allergies! Thank you for sharing! ;)

    1. You're very welcome. It is surprising to me how many cases there are of allergies in dogs and other pets.

  15. My step sister's dog has very severe allergies. He gets $800 worth of shots every month for it. It's so horrible. I feel for pet parents and their pets who have to deal with such bad allergies!

    1. Oh my goodness Amanda, that is horrible. Does pet insurance cover the shots? That is a huge expense to have every month. Hugs for your step sister's fur baby ❤

  16. Thanks for including our battle (and success). This series is going to help a lot of pet paw-rents. Sharing!

    1. You're welcome and thank you for your valuable contribution. It is my hope that the pet community will find everyone's stories helpful. Thank you for sharing ❤
