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I'm Back! Let's Chit Chat

Inspirational quote with sunrise

 Wow so I've been gone from the blogosphere since forever...

It's funny though, once a blogger always a blogger. 

So I'm back for a quick chit chat!  Though I'd share one of my favorite inspirational quotes as well!  I truly believe mindset is everything.  What's one of your favorite quotes?

So many new things going on with me.  This blog was originally started as a pet blog for dogs and cats and I really enjoyed writing about this topic.  I still have 6 dogs, 3 cats but my life has evolved over the years and I have so many more topics to share with you!

At this point, going forward i plan to write about whatever is going on with me in that moment!  So I guess my blog is evolving into more of a lifestyle niche.

Recently I've been very interested in fashion, makeup and art journaling.   Don't get me wrong, my dogs & cats are still a huge part of my life, but there are so many other things I want to share with you! 

So until next time...

Take care and hug your furbabies 💝

Random Thoughts

Sometimes what you make plans for in life, doesn't come to fruition .  Events, circumstances and other factors happen that completely change your course of action. 

I suppose that's where the quote, "Life happens when you are making plans" comes from.

While life was happening,  at times faster than I could keep up, I let my blog go by the wayside. 

As a result,  I allowed my domain to expire and it has since been sold.  That being said, if I can offer one takeaway from this post is this:

"If you have any thoughts of taking a break from blogging or your blog, at least keep your domain renewal! The chances you'll be able to get your domain name back is usually slim to none."

At this point, I'm just going to use the blogspot url, because I'm not quite sure what I would even rename my blog.

I realized, while being away from the blogosphere, how much I truly missed writing and being part of an awesome community. 

If you are still reading, thank you for being here.

I will update you on what's been going on and where I'm heading in my next post.

Hope you are having an awesome day and remember to hug your furbabies ♥️

An Unexpected Path

Wow! So it's been forever since I've written a blog post!  I have so much to catch you up on, I'm really not even sure where to begin!

Let's just say, I feel the same way I felt when writing my first blog post. Not quite sure what direction I'm headed, but I'm headed somewhere!  Crazy, right?!

Winter road with text overlay,  Dog Mom Life An Unexpected Path

It's crazy how life can take you down a path that you weren't expecting.

12 Unique Gift Ideas For Dog Moms

Looking for the perfect, unique gift for the dog moms in your life?  Then you are going to love these twelve ideas, which are sure to be on every dog mom's wish list! 

Dog Mom opening gifts under the Christmas Tree with her Yorkshire Terrier

The day after Thanksgiving marks the start of preparations for Christmas, for most. There are of course the exceptions,  I do have some friends and family who start in July, I'm sure you do too. I for one, tend to be in the category of last minute shoppers! When do you begin planning for Christmas?

One of the first steps I take in preparation for the holiday, is to make a  a list of everyone I need to get a gift for.  I like to jot down a few items, next to their name, of gifts I think they would appreciate.  I try to come up with one of a kind, unique gift ideas, before heading out to shop.  I also enjoy making handmade gifts, they are always well received by my family and friends.

As I was beginning my list this year, I thought it would be fun to share a few of my dog mom gift ideas with you.  Many of these gifts will cost you little to no money, just your kindness and time.

Whether you've almost wrapped up your shopping or just getting started, there is sure to be something here you'll find perfect for that special dog mom.

Nausea In Dogs: How Changing Their Food Bowl Helps

Can dogs have nausea? Yes, they Can! 

Keep reading to find out how you can alleviate your dog's nausea by changing their food bowl.

How to alleviate nausea in dogs with a slow feeder bowl

Tootsie was just diagnosed with nausea last week. It's been awhile since I've shared any updates on Tootsie,  my Chihuahua.   I figured this was the perfect opportunity.

I never would of thought that a dog repeatedly licking their lips was a sign of nausea.  I thought it was a nervous habit she had, since she does have occasions of nervousness.  When I took Tootsie to her veterinarian, for a followup after her emergency room visit, I found out that  lip licking actually is a symptom of nausea. 

Tootsie The Chi visiting the vet's office

Dog Names of Summer

Summer is officially upon us and everyone is out and about with their dogs, enjoying all the activities that Summer offers.

I must say that Summer is my favorite season! I love spending time with my dogs, in the flower garden, taking walks and relaxing on the porch.  What's your favorite part of Summer?

The only thing I don't like about Summer is that it slips away too quickly...
So before that happens, I wanted to share with you a list of dog names inspired by Summer flowers.  This completes the series of dog names inspired by the four seasons.  If you missed the other three seasons, you can find them under the Names label.

Best Dog Names of Summer

Dog Mom DIY Motivational Water Bottle

I'm excited to share with you a fun DIY project for dog moms! I hope you enjoy this motivational water bottle for dog moms, as much as I do!  What I really like about this particular project is you can personalize it to fit you and your style.  It also has the time markers to keep you on track all day, with your water drinking goals. Choose your favorite water bottle, grab your supplies and meet me back here in five!

Dog Mom Diy project for a motivational water bottle. Step by step instructions